Case Studies Treetale Uncategorized


In a previous post, we highlighted how to embed your Unity Projects inside a WordPress post, so here is a playable example of one of our projects called Treetale. Treetale is an interactive application that lets people who are in their final phase of their life share their thoughts with family and friends to reconnect or create a memoriam, or let’s them reflect on their own thoughts:

R&D Tools

Gradient Generator for Unity

Gradient Generator for Unity

Gradients Generated by tool

When working in Unity you might find yourself in need of a gradient texture. Of course you can go online and look for a good one, or open your favourite art software to create it yourself, but wouldn’t it be nice to just generate a gradient from inside Unity?
So let’s see how this works!

The idea is to generate a texture based on an Animation Curve which samples colours from a gradient. In this way, you have full control of the final generated gradient.
I integrated the following modes: Linear, Circular, Radial, Blend, Perlin Noise and Random Noise. The tool contains a preview section which shows immediate updates, if you are satisfied with the preview, you can click the Generate Gradient button and a texture asset will be added to your project.

Grab the unity package here for free:

Or checkout the whole project on gitlab:

Article by: Valentijn Muijrers